Blog: Why Peer study groups are a great way to prepare for the NPE

Full transparency- Psychology Squared run NPE peer study groups currently running quarterly. So we're a little biased because we think they're great. 

You can sign up for $184 (Early bird price) or full rate: $264 which you can sign up for here: 
So you're studying for the NPE and anticipating many more hours slogging away and not making much progress because there's just so much? Don't worry, there is a better way and that's peer study groups! More details below


 10 reasons why NPE peer study groups are the way to go.

1) Peer study groups allow you to hear from people who have sat the exam, have thought deeply about ethical situations, assessments, interventions and modalities of communication within the field of psychology.

2) You can learn from their insights which will make your study more effective.

3) Peer study groups provide an opportunity to ask questions, discuss scenarios and are interactive throughout. 

4) Your motivation may increase through others asking their own questions or through the consideration of issues and relevant readings.  Likewise, when peers disclose their challenges, you can work together to understand unfamiliar concepts.

5) You can also learn from your peers who may have a different perspective, experiences, and background to you. They may have spent more time studying sections you didn't dedicate as much time to.

6) The Psychology Squared peer groups are recorded so you don't have to stress about missing a session.  We strongly encourage you to try to attend but totally understand if sometimes it is too hard to make it.

7) The groups are based on the NPE curriculum and each week is dedicated to working through learning areas systematically.

8)  The facilitators have generated a number of novel scenario-style questions that are responded through facilitated open discussion to help hone in your applied knowledge.

9) The groups are short and sweet, typically only an hour long for the content weeks and two hours for the scenario discussion weeks, so you don’t have to set aside too much time to reap the benefits.

10) Our peer group is affordable: only $184 (Early bird price) or $264 (Full rate)

To join the NPE peer study group, please sign up here

By the way you can access NPE online practice quizes for a fee and there’s a free NPE book finder and lots more here:

Hope to see you there.




Effective Communication Skills