National Psychology Exam

Get Prepared for the National Psychology Exam

Are you getting ready for the National Psychology Examination (NPE)? If yes, then you are at the right place.

The NPE is a rigorous assessment of your readiness to practice psychology in Australia, & we have created tools to help you. Join over 200 Provisional Psychologists who have benefited from our tools. We have both live & recorded content to support your study preparations.

Highly affordable

Our Psychology Squared are affordable, comprehensive and amazing value

Community of support

Get access to experienced NPE facilitators and motivated peers just like you!

Live & recorded content

Join the Q&A quiz/scenario live sessions or access content recorded at your convenience

Lots of content

All domains covered in the NPE 365, self-paced and 12 months access to all content.

Comparison table below

Check out our exciting new NPE365 for self-paced exam preparations

NPE365 includes 8 hour of live and recorded quiz/scenario sessions over 4 x 2 hour sessions

Starter Pack

If you are starting your NPE preparations, this free starter pack is a great way to get started. It is for free, and available for an immediate download. It includes 1 hour introduction recording, our readiness checklist and resource finder.

NPE 365

Not sure which of our NPE tools is for you? Watch this brief introductory recording which will help you learn more about the all inclusive NPE 365. We have more than 20 hours of available content included.

Our NPE Products

We have simplified our NPE tools into two clear options:

NPE 365: $300 - 20 hours+ of content

Starts: Anytime you are ready with 365 days of access

With over 12 hours of recorded content, 8 hours of live session Q&A discussions, and all presented in an organised, this comprehensive NPE tool is 100% online in a course format. We have included free access to 291 Kahoot questions, our resource finder and our AI tool. Experience our affordable, self-paced NPE course.

Q-Live: $100 - 8 hours of questions

Starting Tuesday 18 March 2025

The dates in line with each exam period and run over 4 x fortnightly sessions, each 2 hrs long. The 8 hours focuses each domain, with either multiple choice questions or scenarios discussions for a deeper dive. Please remember, these sessions are both LIVE and RECORDED. Join anytime

What’s included in the NPE 365?

365 days of access

All 4 domains covered

New AI tool

Discussions of scenario questions

All content is recorded

Self-paced study

Heaps of Kahoot! quiz questions

Community environment

Resource finder

More than 10 hours of videos

8 hours of live content

NPE readiness checklist


Over 200 people have enrolled in our groups, and below are just a few (deidentified) testimonials from other provisional psychologist