
Arguably, the most important part of surviving 4+2/5+1 Psychology internship is remembering self-care.

The workload demands are significant, the internship requirements are unrelenting so it is critical to remember that you are valuable and deserve time for yourself. Although there will never be enough hours in the day, carving out a small amount of personal time can help keep your sanity and make the internship much more manageable.

Think for yourself about what self-care means for you.  This is especially important if you're feeling run down and fatigued. It could mean focussing more on breaks, remember to undertake social activities, or keeping fitness time in your week.

If the stress becomes too much, consider talking to your supervisor or a psychologist.  It is important to remember that seeking help is not a sign of weakness.  Mental health support should always be utilised if needed - especially when it comes to surviving the 4+2/5+1 Psychology internship!  Seek out people who can act as mentors or provide advice, and just talk to those you trust.

Overall, taking care of yourself is a priority when it comes to surviving 4+2/5+1 Psychology internship.  It can be hard to balance the demands with your personal wellbeing but by considering self-care early on in the process, you will be able to stay balanced and keep up the momentum.  Remember that the internship is a marathon.

If you'd like some hints and tips for getting started in the 4+2/5+1 internship see here

This is more of a joke, but if you need some light hearted ideas around coping with the log books, see here

More practical tips for completing the log books are here


What does a secondary supervisor do (in your 4+2/5+1)?


Blog: Why Peer study groups are a great way to prepare for the NPE