Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions about Psychology Squared, take a look at our frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please have no hesitation to contact us.
1. What should I do if I have an issue with a product I purchased?
When you purchase a product, on the screen there is an immediate prompt to 'download item'. If you missed this, hopefully you received the automated email which provides access for 24 hours to the product by clicking on 'view your order' and another email that says 'your order is ready' and the link to the document is included.
2. What types of psychological services does Psychology Squared offer?
The main services are:
Supervision for provisional psychologists completing the 4+2/5+1 programs
Resources to facilitate provisional psychologists completing the 4+2 /5+1 programs
Resources for clinicians.
AI consulting to assist Psychologists and allied health clinicians to use AI effectively.
3. Do you run Individual and/or group supervision? Principal or secondary?
We run both individual and group supervision, principal and secondary.
4. How can I book an appointment at Psychology Squared?
Use this link and we’ll provide you with details to book an appointment: https://psychologysquared.com.au/contact-us
5. What supports do you offer provisional psychologists wishing to complete the National Psychology Exam?
NPE Peer-Facilitated Group: A 10-week program of peer-facilitated group discussions, which includes NPE Kahoot! quizzes, resources, and regular recorded Zoom group sessions. We run groups four times a year and you may begin the 10 week program at any time.
NPE Quizzes: A range of quizzes designed to test your understanding of NPE content. These timed, multiple-choice, online quizzes are designed to simulate an exam environment, providing immediate feedback.
NPE Full Length Quiz Bundle: This includes 271 questions in a comprehensive quiz bundle, offering a strategic approach to preparing for the NPE.
Free NPE Book Finder: A resource to assist in finding books relevant to the National Psychology Exam.
NPE 23 Assessment Recording: A video recording discussing 23 of the 29 assessments listed by AHPRA in their NPE curriculum. The first 10 minutes are available for free, with the option to purchase the full recording.
Psychopharmacology Recording: A resource designed to cover key components of the AHPRA curriculum for provisional psychologists sitting the NPE.
NPE Free Recorded Information Session: An accessible resource to provide introductory information about the NPE.
NPE Readiness Checklist: A tool to help provisional psychologists assess their preparedness for the NPE.
6. What AI services do you offer?
We offer AI consulting for individuals and organisations wishing to learn how to use AI responsibly and ethically.. You can join our Facebook page on AI for psychologists here:https://www.facebook.com/groups/austpsychai
7. What resources are available for clinicians?
Clinician Bundle: Includes resources on risk assessment, emotional regulation, sleep, and the initial assessment.
Initial Assessment Form: A comprehensive form for initial client assessments.
Emotion Regulation Strategies Form: A comprehensive list to assist in planning emotion regulation strategies relevant to the client.
Sleep Assessment and Strategies Form: A form focused on assessing and treating sleep-related issues.
Suicide/Self-harm - Risk Assessment and Safety Planning Document: A crucial resource for assessing and managing suicide and self-harm risks.
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