Child Observation Sheet


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Working with children or adolescents and need to conduct an observation? The Child Observation Sheet provides you with a range of behaviours observed in child development across multiple domains, giving you a snapshot of areas requiring further investigation.


-          12 Domains: Language (receptive and expressive); Academic (writing, reading, numeric); Personal-Care (Feeding, toileting, cleaning, caring for themselves); Health and Safety (caution, care and risk); School Behaviour; Social Engagement and Participation (social emotional); Play (relationships and interactions); Coping Skills (social emotional regulation); Sensory (Sensory needs/sensory sensitivities); Motor (fine and gross); Strengths and Interests; and, Behaviours of Concern and Safety Issues.

-          Some key developmental milestones observed across early childhood and child development

-          Key indicators for anxiety, conduct disorder, depression,

-          Rating scale

-          Comment sections

-          For use by clinicians at educational, home and community settings

NB the scores are purely for ease of questioning so totals cannot be used statistically.

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