Strategies for finalising Your Psychology 4+2/5+1 Internship: Getting Over the Line. Part 2 of 2 part series

The pathway to becoming a fully registered psychologist, completing a psychology internship for provisionally registered psychologists is rigorous and stressful.

Provisional Psychologists:

This blog post is designed to guide you through the final leg of your psych internship. We know it can be challenging to finalise the last of your tasks when you’ve just done the Psychological Exam you're tired, burnt out and have little gas in the tank!

Finding More Time - Option 1:

If you have completed your client direct and client related hours, you might consider taking leave from work (e.g., annual leave or unpaid leave) if your circumstances allow. This could enable you to finalise the last tasks, arrange supervision, and tie up all loose ends without being delayed by client work. We recognise that some people may not have leave available or that employers may be reluctant to grant time off. However, taking time off is your best chance to complete your internship rapidly

Finding More Time - Option 2:

If taking leave is too difficult, consider reducing your work week to 3 or 4 days or cutting back your work hours. You may need to think about how to cover reduced wages, but this strategy gives you at least a few more hours each week. The key is to avoid inadvertently doing your paid work or other commitments on your day off, which could distract you from finishing.

Taking Ownership of Your Time

  • Taking Ownership of Your Time:

You can also work on taking more control of your time.

  • Calendar Blocking: Allocate specific time slots for task-related activities, as opposed to work or self-care. Use calendar tools (e.g. Microsoft Outlook or Google Calendar) to create visual schedules that help you maintain focus and balance.

  • The Power of 'No': Learn to say no to additional commitments that are not directly related to your internship tasks. This safeguards your time.

  • Communication: Establish clear lines of communication with your supervisor and manager about your need to focus on your internship.

Do a little every day

Aim to make regular progress with your tasks every day. Even if it's short bursts, this will help you stay on track

  • Case report writing: Persevere with progressing through the reports a little each day. Revisions and refinement will undoubtedly be needed, but this proactive approach makes the overall workload more manageable

  • Set a schedule for the rest of your internship. This will help you plan your days around the tasks that need to be completed, making it easier to chip away at them each day.

In Conclusion: Your Gateway to Growth

By taking a proactive, balanced, and strategic approach, you can complete your internship soon! 

Provisional Psychologists: Congratulations on your dedication and your accomplishment to get this far. You've got this! For more resources tailored to provisional psychologists and those on the path to registration, visit PsychologySquared's website. We offer study materials, support services, and success strategies to empower you at every stage of your professional journey.

Why is it a problem to prolong Your 4+2/5+1 psychology internship? Part 1 of 2 part series


Why is it a problem to prolong Your 4+2/5+1 psychology internship? Part 1 of 2 part series