Why Group supervision is super helpful

Individual supervision with your principal supervisor is a main supervision requirement for the 4+2/5+1, however it can be helpful to shake things up.  Consider how you can make things more motivating and interesting for you by including a range of types of supervision to your monthly mix.

Group supervision is helpful for the following reasons (see below):


1) You hear from a range of perspectives.

Group supervision provides you with a chance to hear from a range of perspectives from provisional psychologists working within a range of areas, which can provide valuable insight on different approaches or strategies to solve problems.

2) You receive constructive feedback in a (somewhat) non-judgemental environment.

Fellow provisional psychologists are sympathetic to the learning experience and can provide honest, but not necessarily critical feedback.

3)  With the focus being on other provisionals, you can sit back and take the opportunity to learn through the experiences.

4) The price: Group supervision will always be more affordable since the cost of supervision is typically less than individual supervision.

5) You get exposure to questions you may not have thought to ask but would benefit from the answer. 

Group supervision can certainly be a valuable addition to your principal supervisor and provide an informal exchange of ideas with other provisional psychologists in the same stage as you.  Even if fellow group members are behind you in the internship process, they may ask more fundamental questions that make you question your process (e.g. in areas you may have become complacent about). If fellow participants are more advanced, they may give you some emotional preparedness of what's to come.  If you're feeling a little stuck in your work and supervision, think about incorporating group supervision into the supervision mix. Group supervision offers time for reflection and consideration of best psychological practice in a supportive and constructive space. 

You can access group supervision by contacting:

a) Psychology Squared here

b) Amanda Moses: See https://www.amandamosespsychology.com.au/

c) The Provisional Psychologist Hub offers group supervision https://www.provisionalpsych.com.au/


Step by step guide to the 4+2/5+1 internship (PART 1: Job seeking and starting in your role).


Reflecting on Reflections!