6 main NPE Assessments

Welcome to our NPE 6 “main” assessment page. This page includes the recording and additional information below to help you.

Remember, you need to review the AHPRA curriculum guide for the full information on the assessment domain of the NPE, including the additional assessments and applied knowledge. https://www.psychologyboard.gov.au/Registration/National-psychology-exam.aspx

For the AHPRA NPE assessment domain, the curriculum guide directly states:

“Candidates will also be required to demonstrate general familiarity with the use and purpose of a wider number of tests (detailed below). This will not require the same level of detailed knowledge of administration, scoring and interpretation as that required for the six specific tests detailed above. Candidates must demonstrate familiarity with the use and purpose of the following tests:

The 6 “main” assessments include:

  • WAIS

  • WISC

  • PAI

  • DASS

  • K10

  • SDQ

The additional assessments not included in this recording, and available in a separate recording

Intelligence scales

  • WPPSI (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence)

  • Stanford-Binet (Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales)

  • WASI Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence

  • Woodcock-Johnson Test of Cognitive Abilities

  • Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices

    Adaptive and educational assessments

  • WIAT (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test)

  • ABAS (Adaptive Behavior Assessment System)  


  • WMS (Wechsler Memory Scale)

  • WRAML (Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning)


  • SDS (Self Directed Search)

  • Strong (Strong Interest Inventory)


  • 16PF (Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire)

  • NEO (NEO Personality Inventory)

    Clinical and mental health tests

  • BDI (Beck Depression Inventory)

  • GAF (Global Assessment of Functioning)

  • STAI (State Trait Anxiety Inventory) - note: 20 questions x 2 (40 in total)

  • WHO-DAS (World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Scale)

  • WHO-QOL (World Health Organisation Quality of Life Scale)

  • ORS (Outcome Rating Scale)

  • MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)

  • PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire 9 Item)

  • CBCL (Achenbach Child Behaviour Checklist and Teacher/Youth reports - ASEBA)

  • Structured Clinical Interview for DSM (SCID)

What else do you need to know for the NPE

AHPRA’S website has a lot of information for those preparing from the exam. This page includes FAQ’s, guidelines and how to enrol. We encourage you to take your time to review this content, as they have included some sample exam questions.

To also support your preparations, Psychology Squared has created content that may be just what you need. We have the following which you can read more about:

  1. NPE groups that are paced out over 10 weeks

  2. Over 270 Kahoot style multiple choice quiz questions

  3. A free resource finder

For more information, contact us at Psychology Squared