Meet the Team

Meet the team

At Psychology Squared, we pride ourselves on having a team of highly qualified and compassionate registered psychologists who are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to our clients. With a diverse range of specialties and backgrounds, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.

  • Jessica Kaufman is a Registered Psychologist and clinical manager with a background in early childhood intervention, autism, and a strong focus on positive behaviour support. She is dedicated to improving mental health and well-being through collaborative practice

  • Clare, a registered psychologist, brings diverse experience in school settings, occupational rehabilitation, and one-on-one as well as group support for unemployment. She's adept at crisis support, mentoring new team members, and has contributed to document creation for the NPE peer-facilitating team at Psychology Squared since early 2022. Clare's background encompasses management, training, and account executive roles. She specializes in using evidence-based practices to help individuals comprehend their obstacles and motivations.

  • Amanda is a Registered Psychologist who is passionate about evidenced based practice to support people across the lifespan. Amanda takes a structured and collaborative approach to create an authentic therapeutic alliances. Amanda enjoys helping people meet their goals, including clients and her peers.